Welcome to our site!!! We are a small family farm located in Northwest Tampa. We are a family of 4 committed to our faith and treating our bodies as the temples in the way that God designed us. In that regard, we do our best to feed our chickens and goats organic, GMO-free food. All of our animals are pastured and free to roam daily and of course, are humanely treated.
The milk and other dairy products are from Jersey Acre Farms, located in Myakka City, FL. You can read more about their sustainable farm at wwwFloridarawmilk.com.
We also provide eggs and pastured chickens (and turkeys during Thanksgiving and Christmas) from Compassionate Poultry Farms. They feed only GMO free certified feed and live in a fresh air cage free environment.
All products sold in our food club are for pet consumption only.
Even though we are incorporated, our focus is NOT making this a high profit business. This is a labor of love. We originally started this with a few coolers in our front yard and a handful of members so we could get a farmer to deliver raw milk to us. Our goal is to provide people access to real food (for their pets of course) at the best price possible.
Thank you for visiting our site!
The Thomas Family
©2016 www.sacredfoodfarm.com - All rights reserved.